Weight 2 weeks ago: 129.5
Last Weeks weight: 128.5
Current Weight: 128
Still eating clean; tons of veggies, whole grains and lean protein. My workout this week:
Monday- 50 minute Spartacus circuit (3 times through)
Tuesday- 35 min treadmill run (7.0) 15 minute incline walk
Wednesday- 50 minute Spartacus circuit (3 times through)
Thursday- 35 minute treadmill run (7.0) 15 minute incline walk
Friday- 50 minute Spartacus circuit (3 times through)
Saturday- 45 minutes power yoga (p90x)
Weekly Fitness Tip: Strengthen your core!
The spartacus workout is getting slightly easier and I have noticed tremendous results in my core. I can even hold yoga poses way better due to my increased core strength. Working your core is so beneficial even for every day activities. It will cut down on back pain and improve posture. If you haven't yet tried the spartacus circuit, do it and do it now!