Saturday, January 14, 2012

Week 102


You think you stumbled upon the wrong blog? I know this is my fitness blog, but more than half of your weight loss/rockin' body results rely on what you are putting (or not putting) into your mouth. I tried this recipe for a detox butternut squash soup on my friend's blog. The components of this soup aid in detoxifying your body and fill you up with both soluble and insoluble fiber. The spice turmeric is supposed to detoxify your liver and the healthy dose of beta-carotene, Vitamin A and tons of fiber will give your body a nutrient boost and fill you up with only 60 calories per cup. Here's the recipe-it makes a ton; definitely give it a try. And as for all the spices, try getting them in a bulk section to save money.

Weight this week:127

My diet was EXTREMELY clean. I really watched it; I am determined!!

My workout this week:

Monday-10 mile run in the bitter cold (9.03 pace)
Tuesday-3 circuits of Summer Fit Workout
Wednesday-7 mile run (treadmill-7.2-8.0 speed)
Thursday-60 minute weight/cardio circuit
Saturday-3 circuits of Spartacus II, 15 flights of stairs, 1 mile run


  1. Hey Dena! I came across your blog and hope you don't mind that I read it!:) I LOVE that you give such good fitness tips and recipes!! Miss seeing you guys at the gym...looks like you are doing well!
