Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Still here......

I've been slacking on posts, but I am still doing my same ol' thing.  I ran my last long run last week; a 20 miler then a 12-both with a good pace (8.45 and 8.30 respectively).  My marathon is in like 2 days and I have been feeling the surge of adrenaline all week!!  I can't wait!  I have super high hopes.

My weight is around 120ish right now.  I had a pretty bomb of an eating week.  When sugar creeps back into my life again it sometimes likes to control me!!  Anyway, check back for my marathon results.  I am hoping to break the 4 hour mark.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week 127 Weight:  118.2

Monday-19 mile run (8.50 pace)
Tuesday-full body circuit
Wednesday-5 mile run (treadmill, 42 minutes)
Thursday-7 mile run (8.24 pace)
Saturday-1 round of Spartacus II, 1 round of Spartacus 2012, 4 mile run-32 minutes