Saturday, December 18, 2010

Weeks 43 & 44

Last Week: 122 (after a 4-day cleanse)
This Week: 123.6

Boy am I struggling with motivation to keep that sweet crap out of my mouth. I am craving it daily and can't wait to hear the ding-dong at my door in hopes there is a neighbor standing there ready to hand me a plate of delicious sugar cookies, crunchy toffee, caramel popcorn, chocolate anything or other sweet confections (I have been unsatisfied however!!) I am trying to still eat clean for the most part and at least I haven't gained much weight. There is still time for some major damage though and I am striving to get below 122 (a low-plateau for me) before Christmas. Wish me luck!

My workouts this week were far less intense than I like due to a stress fracture in my right foot, wah, wah, wah. I biked 3-4 days and did shoulders, arms, push-ups and pull-ups and a few days of Pilates. I really, really miss my runs and intense sessions of Spartacus and Summer Fit. I've been a little blue without my fitness pushes and the fact that I can no longer train very hard for my first Marathon on January 16th......maybe that is why I am consuming way more sugar and fat:(


  1. I did the ever popular master cleanse or "spicy-lemonade diet." It is just freshly squeezed lemon, organic grade b maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. That is all you consume for 10 days!! I did it for 4 only and didn't experience the cleansing effects this diet claims. I do not at all recommend this for weight loss ever; because I believe you lose more muscle than fat and the weight can creep back on very easily after you resume normal eating. I do however think it is great to kind of reset your taste buds and it's great for my mentality. TMI??:)
