There are certain foods that can be considered your "gateway foods". This means you really want to eat licorice, french fries, doughnuts, pizza or whatever makes your mouth water, what you crave and what makes you lose control. A sort of drug, if you will. My first "gateway food" was Costco cake..........
After my first bite of that white cake with the cheesecake filling and butter cream icing (I'm an icing girl), I quickly realized that this was a treat I could not afford to have around....ever....period. (Thanks a lot Kamille!!) I CANNOT eat just a little or even a normal serving size. I eat tons and tons of it until I'm unbuttoning my pants and I feel deathly ill. I don't know why certain foods can act as drugs to us. When we think of that food that we just love, chemicals are released in the brain that make us want to eat it and when we do there is a further chemical/hormonal release that tells us we need more. These chemicals can also release endorphins so we feel better (temporarily) after we eat it. It's an evil cycle. My best advice is, if you can't control yourself with that food, DO NOT BUY IT, HAVE IT IN YOUR HOME OR TRY TO EXERCISE PORTION CONTROL!!! The temporary "fix" comes with too high a consequence.
And no, it's not my birthday dang it!!
WEIGHT: 120.6
Monday-9 mile run outside (8.14 pace)
Tuesday-1 round of Summer Fit; 40 minutes elliptical (I don't care for this type of cardio but my back's been feeling tweaked)
Wednesday-11 mile run outside (orchard loop-8.44 pace:(
Thursday-3 circuits of Spartacus 2012
Saturday-3 circuits Spartacus; 2 mile run
hahaha...i'm just happy someone shares my addiction!! love you lady!