Monday, May 20, 2013


Have you been checking for an update only to be disappointed?  I know I have several (maybe 5:)) readers out there and you are just dying to know how I'm doing right??  Ha Ha!!  I'm feeling really lazy and my diet is kinda crap!  I just can't get into my groove dang it!  I am a little bit all or nothing; I am either working out hard and eating great or I seem to be eating and grazing all day, and by evening, I am clueless to how may calories I consumed.  It's frustrating.  Well anyway, I did 2 full-body circuits last week and 3 days of running.  Not terrible but I need a kick in the bum!  My weight is 128.6 and I want it to be lower but am lacking the motivation to do a thing about it!  Hey Dena, it's almost swimsuit season!  Hey Dena, don't you want to look and feel great on your beach vacation?  Hey Dena, don't you want to rock the new summer clothes you just ordered online???  Hey Dena, don't you know you are supposed to be training for the Grand Teton Relay???????  OK, one of these will work this week.  Wish me luck:)

I actually googled "lazy slob" and found this:
Maybe it will motivate me!!


  1. well i am one of those 5 readers and you always motivate me! one thing i have learned from you is its not about the number, there isn't a finish line its a life style and we are human!! we cant be perfect, the most important thing is this is your life and its okay if we splurge for a bit... 128 is great!! love you sissy. xo

  2. I'm one of those 5 readers too! Print that picture and put it on your fridge for some motivation! ;) I'm an all or nothing kind of person too. Which drives me nuts that my eating habits have NEVER been in control. Swim suit season... *sigh* I can't wait to run with you more! I know by saying you look amazing will do very little on that brain of yours, but just for the sake of maybe it making a dent... YOU LOOK AMAZING! -Shantell

  3. Thanks my loyal readers:) Kat, your comment was just what I needed to hear, and what I would tell others-thanks! It's so important to remember there's no finish line-you're right.
    And Shantell, it was great running with you this morning-I probably slowed your lightning speed down. I think you look amazing too;)
