Saturday, October 12, 2013


I really do like keeping this blog up for my sake.  I really do want to be accountable to myself and blogging helps me to do that.  I have been so busy ever since I went back to school. After years of being in mommy-mode, my brain is frazzled and fried and my motivation is semi-nil.  I often times wake up early to study instead of work out and relax by eating some of my favorite sweets:/  Although I realize no one is perfect, I truly love being in control and disciplined.  Anyway, that's where I'm at. Still trying to run a bit and keep my body strong through lifting and circuits.  I will never stray too far though:)

Weight: 123.8 (bouncing around a bit)
Workout last week: 
Monday- nothing
Tuesday- Kenpo Karate (P90X)
Wednesday- 5 mile run outside (8.35 pace)
Thursday- Core Synergistic's
Friday- 7 mile run outside (8.16 pace)
Saturday- Running & lifting circuit (about an hour and 20 minutes & 3 miles)

1 comment:

  1. Very nice lady!!! Your runs are speedy. Good job on balancing life. School, mom, wife, health... etc. You're amazing!!!
