Saturday, April 30, 2011

Week 64

Weight: 121.2 (120.8 after Saturday's workout)

Good clean Easter going to bed with a huge waking up feeling bloated and yucky and unmotivated to workout.....yay!....all in all, I enjoyed the holiday much more without loads of candy.

My Workout This Week:
Tuesday-2 circuits of Spartacus, 2 mile run (8.5 treadmill); ab ripper
Wednesday-7 mile run (treadmill-51 minutes-8.5-10.0)HARD!!
Thursday-Push-ups, pull-ups, abs, running circuit
Friday-50 minute Power Yoga
Saturday-2 circuits Spartacus II, 4 mile run at 7.5-9.0

Weekly Fitness Tip: MYTHS DE-BUNKED
Myth #1: You must workout in a lower-intensity, fat-burning state to lose the most weight.
-Not so, doing high intensity interval training (HIIT) not only facilitates in burning more calories overall, thus more weight lost, but you are actually training your body to be more of a fat-burning machine and the after-burn (ie: metabolism) is greater.

Myth #2: You should eliminate carbs to lose weight.
-You should eat carbs to lose weight, especially if you are working out!! If you are lifting heavy, eat a lot of carbs and protein to gain size. If you want to shape and be leaner, eat moderate carbs and protein. Eliminating carbs all together is dangerous and counter-productive. (When I say carbs, I mean the good ones: oatmeal, whole-wheat things, yams, fruits, veggies)

Myth #3: You can target certain body parts to "spot reduce."
-No, no never!!! If you want to get rid of your muffin-top or saddle-bags, doing endless crunches or lunges will do nothing for you if you are not losing fat overall. Make sure you are doing those moves, amongst others, but you must tone the muscle underneath and lose the fat with a restricted diet and cardio in order to see those sleek muscles.

Hope this was helpful:)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Week 63

Weight: 121.4 (after my great saturday morning workout, but lots of water)

Eating clean still and upping my carb intake a little. I am really craving sugar and sweets and easter candy and am contemplating eating it this Sunday. I hate thinking about it and know that it is so hard for me to control so I am really not sure if I will be digging into the easter basket for these delicious, nostalgic candies I love so dearly. Stay tuned.....

My Workout This Week:
Monday-7 mile run (treadmill, 51.40 minutes, 8.5-10.0)
Tuesday-3 circuits of Spartacus, 15 minutes of abs/insanity
Wednesday-5 mile run (40 minutes) 15 minutes elliptical
Thursday- 2 circuits of Summer Fit, 3 mile run
Friday-50 minutes Power Yoga
Saturday-2 circuits Spartacus II, 3 mile (HIIT) run at 7.2-9.0/10.0 2 minutes each)

Fitness/Nutrition Tip:
So gearing up for the wonderful, sugar-filled holiday, here is some intense reading (thanks again to my always informed hubby) about the effects on sugar to your brain and other organs in your body. It may make you second guess how much damage you'll do:)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Weeks 61 & 62

Weight: 122.8

Pretty clean diet this week (dined out at Sweet Tomatoes).

My workout this week:
Monday-10 mile run outside (8.35 pace-I've been itching to go long in a while and this is the longest I've run since my marathon)
Tuesday-3 rounds of Spartacus
Wednesday-5.5 mile run (treadmill, 40 minutes, 7.5-9.0) .5 mile incline walk
Thursday-Push-ups/pull-ups/legs circuit; ab ripper
Friday-50 minutes Power Yoga
Saturday-2 circuits Spartacus II; 2 mile run (15 minutes)

Hooray there's a new Spartacus!!! If you haven't been privileged enough to be receive it by e-mail form Brady:) here it is!! It's awesome and a great new challenge.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Weeks 59 & 60

Weight: 123.2

So we were in Jackson Hole last week (no kids-hooray!!) and I ate pretty bad for about 5 days straight. I had to pull myself out and remind myself why I eat the way I do. Read: it's a lifestyle!! I have those dips and downs and slumps, but I persevere!! Although it was super yummy, I was ready to be back on my routine. Still going strong with no sugar and I think I may have it on Easter?

Monday: 50 minutes Kenpo Karate
Tuesday: 2 circuits of Sparatacus, 2 mile run; ab ripper
Wednesday: Upper body/running circuit (50 minutes)
Thursday: Lower Body/running circuit (60 minutes); ab ripper
Friday: 50 minutes Power Yoga
Saturday: 1 round of Spartacus, 1 round of Summer Fit, 3 mile run (8.0-9.0 treadmill), 25 floor sweepers with 25 lbs on the bar (BOO-YA BRADY & AUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Weekly Fitness Tip:
I love the "eat this not that" guy and found this article to be fun and useful-it talks about how to do exercises more effectively thus getting better results.
Sweat This, Not That!