Saturday, January 22, 2011

Week 50

Hooray-my marathon was a success (given the situation)!!! I was able to finish it with my stress fracture and only had to walk the last 3 miles. So I ran for 23 and walked 3, not bad. Will I run another one you may ask?? If you had asked me the day or two after I would say H to the no!! But now, I think I would like to do at least one more to see how I would do injury-free. My pace was really great for the first 12 miles (8.15-8.30) and then my foot was really feeling it. I had already popped all 3 of my 800 Ibuprofens by mile 17 so I just had to take it a little slower after that. All said and done, I finished in 4 hours 27 minutes. Here's a link of me finishing at Sun Devil Stadium if you're interested.

My workout was pretty much nil this week-I was walking down the stairs backwards because I was so sore. My foot may still need some recovery but I at least don't think I will be out another 5 or 6 weeks. My diet is pretty much eat everything in sight. I feel starving for some reason and seem to have an insatiable appetite. I've got to get it under control this week.......

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Weeks 47-49 & I'm back in business baby!!!

Weight: 128

The last 2 weeks I have been able to get back into running-hooray!!!!!!! My foot still hurts and so I've tried to take it slow. I have been pleasantly surprised that my running time is not too much slower and my endurance isn't terrible; thank goodness for your body's amazing muscle memory systems! I got chills the first day I was able to run again after 5 weeks-I really was that excited!! My diet was PERFECT this week with no cheating. I have been trying to focus on what my body can do and not what it can weigh. It is not worth it to obsess about a number. I am trying to remind myself of that and just get into the best physical shape I can and have balance in all other areas. My workout was:

Monday-5 miles (treadmill-7.2/8.3 pace)
Tuesday-7 miles (treadmill-7.2-8.0/8.3-7.55 pace)
Wednesday-10 mile run (outside-extremely hard and I was pretty slow:( (9.0 pace))
Thursday-50 minutes Power Yoga, abs

So my marathon is this weekend and I am hoping for the best-cross your fingers for me:) If anything, I am going to a warm 72 degree place and will be enjoying some great food.

Stay tuned for some new recipe ideas and healthy eating tricks and great snacks......

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Week 46.......somewhere I missed a few??

Weight: 131.8 (yowza!!!) Okay, so I really hit it waaaayyyyy too hard on New Year's last night (fried, cheesy, carb-loaded, fat-full, zero nutrition, simple sugary crap!!!) and frankly most days this week. You would be really surprised how much I mindlessly threw into my mouth; and the funny thing is, I don't remember enjoying it all that much and now I am left with a lot of extra pounds to work off and the frustration of not fitting into my clothes as well-that's no fun. But here I go......hopefully my foot will be strong enough to run next week and get some mileage under my belt before my Marathon on January 16th-cross your fingers for me.