Monday, January 30, 2012

Week 104

A young woman who was worried about her habit of biting her fingernails
down to the quick was advised by a friend to take up yoga. She did, and soon
her fingernails were growing normally. Her friend asked her if yoga had
totally cured her nervousness. "No," she replied, "but now I can reach
my toe-nails so I bite them instead."

Ok, so this is not the kind of Yoga I would be interested in, but I love Yoga and highly recommend it. It will improve cardio-vascular health, flexibility, and help you perform better in anything athletic. Want to run faster? Yoga. Want more endurance? Yoga. Want to be stronger, more lengthened and more flexible? Yoga! Including yoga into your fitness routine will help maximize your workouts on other days. And as Tony Horton says, "yoga focuses on your weak spots......yummy, yummy, yummy!" Yoga is not just about stretching and deep-breathing, although that is definitely part of it; it's really a great workout. I have been doing Yoga once a week since I threw my back out 4 years ago. I have not had a problem with it since. I do P90X yoga. It's a sort of power yoga. Check one out at the library or invest in your own copy; I promise, you will not regret it.

Weight:125.6 (grrr....Clean diet, great workouts....I have worked so hard this last week, this last month and I am ready to be fitting comfortably into my jeans again!!)

Monday-9 mile run outside.(8.55 pace)
Tuesday-full body, cardio circuit
-7 mile run (treadmill-7.2-8.0)
Thursday-P90X Core Synergistics
Saturday-3 circuits of Spartacus, 2 miles worth of sprints (7.2-9.0)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Week 103


For optimal fat loss and that lean body look, YOU HAVE TO LIFT WEIGHTS! Overall fitness includes endurance, strength, speed and flexibility, according to me (take it or leave it). There is a place for cardio of course, but don't forget the weights. Not only does lifting weights burn mega calories, but it increases your lean muscle mass which in turn boosts your metabolism (that's why men lose weight faster; they have more muscle naturally). I believe the most bang for your muscle-building buck is circuit training with full body moves. Such as a squat-press, push-ups, weighted jump lunges and pull-ups doing one after another with very little rest. Here's a workout that I love. And stop worrying about bulking up-we women don't typically lift heavy enough or have enough testosterone for that to be possible.

Weight: 125.4

Good, no awesome, clean week. I have gone without meat, most dairy and wheat for 2 weeks now. I feel great and love the new recipes I've been trying.

My Workout:
Monday- 7mile run outside (8.26 pace) would have been faster but it started snowing and blowing and I couldn't see and it was slippery (excuses, excuses)
Tuesday-3 rounds of Summer Fit
Wednesday- 8 mile run, treadmill(7.5-9.0)
Thursday-1 hour full body weights/hill sprints circuit
Friday- Power Yoga
Saturday- 1 round of Spartacus, 1 round of Spartacus II, 300 workout stuff(box jumps, jump pull-ups, floor sweepers, lateral burpees) 20 flights of stairs

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Week 102


You think you stumbled upon the wrong blog? I know this is my fitness blog, but more than half of your weight loss/rockin' body results rely on what you are putting (or not putting) into your mouth. I tried this recipe for a detox butternut squash soup on my friend's blog. The components of this soup aid in detoxifying your body and fill you up with both soluble and insoluble fiber. The spice turmeric is supposed to detoxify your liver and the healthy dose of beta-carotene, Vitamin A and tons of fiber will give your body a nutrient boost and fill you up with only 60 calories per cup. Here's the recipe-it makes a ton; definitely give it a try. And as for all the spices, try getting them in a bulk section to save money.

Weight this week:127

My diet was EXTREMELY clean. I really watched it; I am determined!!

My workout this week:

Monday-10 mile run in the bitter cold (9.03 pace)
Tuesday-3 circuits of Summer Fit Workout
Wednesday-7 mile run (treadmill-7.2-8.0 speed)
Thursday-60 minute weight/cardio circuit
Saturday-3 circuits of Spartacus II, 15 flights of stairs, 1 mile run

Saturday, January 7, 2012


We all have new year's resolutions right?? I don't tend to have too many and they always remain the same, but I do love January for that feeling of a clean, fresh start. I spent the week cleaning and de-junking my house, donating un-needed items, getting back on track with exercise and nixing out the sugar and junk. Here is your WEEKLY AND NEW YEAR FITNESS GOAL: Set a goal for yourself, but not a larger-than-life one. Chances are, you will not stick to it if it is unattainable and unrealistic for you. Then you will feel bad about yourself and you may give up all together. Just make it one that is not overwhelming. Such as, starting a moderate fitness program, maybe just start walking or jogging-don't go out and buy 'Insanity' or P90X and give it all ya got until February 2nd and then ditch it. Maybe eat just a little less at each meal or tell yourself you will eat more vegetables and fruit. It is all about lifestyle people, not hopping on the next diet or killing your unready body at the gym. Ease into it and build on the results that you will see as you make consistent changes in your day. Good luck!!

Weight going into Christmas was about 123. Then I went to Texas with Brady and had a yummy good time and then there were all the Holiday's and then Jackson Hole and my birthday and loads of treats everywhere. And then there was that week off of exercise I took (which would have been great had I watched my diet).....I made myself quite merry and fluffy! Last weigh in after a clean week was 129:/ It's a funny thing how that stupid number can sky-rocket so quickly. And yes, all my clothes are tight and I am wearing a bigger size pant and not loving the bump that folds over my pants waist-ugh. Oh well-it happens to the best of us:) Here we go though back on the fitness saddle again. I was so ready to run to the gym with open arms and pick up those weights! Just to log it, I did my unofficial PR for the Temple Run on Christmas Eve-8.30 pace in 13 degree weather-go me! Here's my workout schedule for last week.

Monday-3 mile run
Tuesday-Core Synergistics (P90X)
Wednesday-7 mile run (8.49 pace)
Thursday-3 rounds of Spartacus
Friday-7 mile run
Saturday- 3 rounds of Spartacus II