Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year-Let's Get Serious!!!

It is time to be accountable with myself again.....and start working out again *sigh*  I told myself that I would not gorge on calorie-laden foods but alas, I caved.  With a hurt knee, four days in a cabin surrounded by everything you can imagine to eat, and a few extra pounds that kept my motivation low, I succumbed to the dark side.  My weight is around 131...this is not terrible people; it's just 8 lbs more than 2 weeks ago.  I don't even mind weighing a little more.  The thing that bothers me is the fact that I throw all my self-control out the frosty window and indulge more than is healthy.  I'm a little all or nothing so it's time to re-focus and start training for Boston!!

Wednesday-3 mile treadmill run (slow-25 minutes)
Thursday-4 mile run (treadmill)
Saturday-3 miles (treadmill-7.5-8.5); 1 round each Spartacus 2012, Spartacus, Summer Fit

What's the best way to get back on track after weeks (or months-gasp) of indulging?
In my opinion, a week of super clean eating can snap you back on track.  Personally, I like to do either a 24 hour fast or a few days of strictly vegetables and fruits.  If you fast (nothing but water all day long--it's hard!!) you will definitely feel awesome!  I find it's the best way to reset you mentally and cleanse your palate so you crave nutritious, whole foods and have less of a desire to put crap into your body. 

3 things to rememeber when starting a fitness/nutrition routine:
1. It is hard!!  After 2 weeks of lazing around, getting back into exercise really stinks and it's hard to feel week and sore and out of shape.....but hang in there!  You will soon start to acclimate and you will feel so much better after moving your body.

2. Do not go all out.  Start slowly and don't push yourself so hard that you feel discouraged and want to give up.  Daily, consistent practices lead to huge success.

3. Don't give up all your favorite foods cold turkey.  If you really love a certain food, plan to eat it on a designated day, like the weekend.  Don't keep it in your house to tempt you though.  If you love ice cream, eat healthyfully all week and go out and buy yourself a moderate serving on the weekend.  Deprivation is never good--empowerment is awesome!

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