Saturday, February 9, 2013

Diet Soda & Artificial Sweeteners.....

I was reading an article on Yahoo, about diet sodas and artificially flavored beverages and foods that can contribute to higher risks of developing type 2 diabetes, (adult onset diabetes).  Some studies conducted show that when one drinks a diet soda, they will drink 2.8 glasses as apposed to 1.6 glasses for the non-diet drinkers.  The artificial sweeteners (IE: aspartame, Equal, Splenda), cause the body to think that calories are coming.  When they don't, the body craves more food; especially something sweet.  This will usually make a person eat more.  Here is my stance as of right now.  I am very conscious (maybe a little too much), of what I am eating and how many calories, (and what type of calories) I put into my body.  I find Diet Coke to be one of my favorite treats and ways to relax and enjoy my weekend, or a lame day.  I limit my intake to only 12-24 oz a week and don't feel as though I am addicted to it.  I also LOVE the affects of caffeine.  It is one of my best friends!  I think artificial sweeteners are harmful to the body, BUT, I do consume them once in a while.  I would rather have a little bit of fake sugar than tons of real, yet processed white poison.  My number one choice for sweeteners is Stevia; 2nd is honey.  But I do occasionally ingest aspartame (gasp) and I feel like there are worse vices out there.

If you're interested, here's a little info about the most commonly used artificial sweeteners out there.  DISCLAIMER:  I am not an expert on these and some of this is just my opinion.  I could eat sweet stuff all day and I am currently trying to get the taste out of my mouth. Period.

Saccharin: One of the oldest artificial sweeteners used to sweeten some diet drinks, medicine and toothpaste.  Although it is approved by the FDA, it has been under some health scrutiny and I steer clear of this one.

Aspartame: This is what Equal is made of.  It's used to sweeten diet drinks, yogurts, protein bars, gum and baked diet goods.  Notice on labels "contains phenylalanine."  This sweetener is also FDA approved but people with PKU (a metabolic disorder) should avoid it. Some people can detect a very unpleasant after taste with this one.

Splenda (Sucralose):  Also FDA approved, Splenda can cause GI problems, blurred vision, allergies and weight gain (not 100% proven however).  Splenda is in nearly everything now-a-days.  The claim that it tastes like sugar because it comes from sugar has taken over.  This sweetener like the others could be harmful, but so is straight up sugar.

Stevia:  A sweetener found from a bush is South America, not produced in a laboratory like the others, is not found to be at all harmful.  This one is not FDA approved, but I don't always trust government pharmaceutical companies anyway.  I use Stevia daily and love it!  (I love these.)

WEIGHT: 127.6 (exactly the same.....awesome)
Monday:  12 mile run outside (cold and slick-8.54 pace)
Tuesday:  2 rounds of Lean Belly Workout, 1 round of Summer Fit
Wednesday:  6 mile run (treadmill-53 minutes-my bum knee is slowing me down)
Thursday:  4 mile run outside (freezing!  and slow-8.50 pace)
Friday:  Yoga
Saturday:  Murph Workout (49 minutes) + 100 lunges + some whole body lifts

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