Weight: 120.6
Last Week's Workout:
Monday-11 mile run outside (8.22 pace)
Tuesday-Spartacus (yeah-my arm is feeling better!!)
Wednesday-7 mile run outside (8.22 pace)
Thursday-Full body/elliptical circuit + 15 flights of stairs (55 minutes)
Friday-Power Yoga
Saturday-probably some sprints and Spartacus II
Weekly Fitness Tip: Do you read Nutrition labels??
Well, you should! Not only should you be aware of how big a serving is, how many calories, fat, carbs etc are in a single serving, but you should also be reading what is going into your body. Is your wheat bread really whole wheat?? Is there high fructose corn syrup and enriched flour instead of whole wheat flour? I think it is a good idea to eat things with less than 5-6 ingredients and as minimally processed as possible. Here is an article on sneaky food additives to be aware of. Remember, baby steps and consistency will get you going in the right direction.
You motivate me babe! Good article.
wow a comment!! thanks love:)