Saturday, February 11, 2012

Week 106


I believe every woman should take these 2 things everyday:
1. A MULTI-VITAMIN (strongly recommend, even with a good diet)
2. A VITAMIN D supplement.

I believe every woman should occasionally take:
1. VITAMIN B12 (or even better a B12 shot) I swear by this vitamin when I am feeling really low on energy.
2. IRON (again helps with energy levels) Or eat up on your chicken liver and spinach!
3. VITAMIN C & ZINC (when you feel a cold coming on.) Did you know broccoli has more Vitamin C per serving than an orange?!!
4. FOLATE, MAGNESIUM, CALCIUM (OR A PRE-NATAL VITAMIN) (when you want your hair, skin and nails to be healthier)
5. POTASSIUM (decrease muscle cramps and balances out electrolytes) Butternut squash and avocados have more potassium than a banana!

Weight: 124.6
Awesome.....after a clean week and great workouts, I gained. It's never a perfect science.

My workout this week:
MONDAY-8.5 mile run outside (8.33 pace)
TUESDAY-3 rounds of Spartacus
WEDNESDAY-10 mile run outside (8.26 pace)
THURSDAY-Core Synergistics
SATURDAY-3 rounds of Spartacus 2012

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