Saturday, February 25, 2012

Week 106


When I was younger, my mom used to take me out jogging with her and I HATED it!!! My legs and lungs hurt and it was just awful. Now, I love it. My recent run to the Bountiful Temple was especially wonderful. I feel so alone and peaceful, especially once I get up to the bench and I can look out over the whole valley and see the glowing temple in the distance. I also do love that high I get after about 8 or so miles; I feel like I can do anything at that point. I love that I feel like I am running away from my life (albiet wonderful) just for a short time. I love chatting with my running buddies and I love how accomplished I feel when I get home. Like I can sit with my kids and do laundry all day and feel like I did something for myself. And all you people out there thinking it is so hard on your body....yes and no. Did you know that doing hard, weight-bearing activites such as running actually tells your body to lay down and regenrate new bone cells? So your skeletal system also benefits from running:) If you hate it too, give yourself some time to work up to it. Maybe just jogging for 2 minutes and walking for 1 until you build up your endurance. It's getting closer to spring, so it's a perfect time to get out and enjoy some fresh air.

Clean week, lots of's crazy how hard I work to get holiday weight off and it creeps by so s..l...o...w...l..y.....definitely not worth it.

Monday-7 mile run (treadmill-54 minutes)
Tuesday-3 rounds of Spartacus, 10 minutes elliptical
Wednesday-Temple Run (14 miles-8:45 pace)
Thursday-Core Synergistics
Saturday-3 rounds of Spartacus II; 3 mile run (23.30 minutes)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Week 105

Do you ever wonder what my workouts look like instead of just reading about them? Come on, I know you do! You will not believe how your body will benefit from doing workouts like these. Here's a link for an example of what I like to do on my circuit gym days. (You may want to mute it, the music has a little swearing:))

WEIGHT: 122.8

Semi-clean week; I polished off 1 and half delicious, worth every calorie, soft, Schmidt's Pastry Cottage sugar cookies from my Valentine (it had my name on it and everything!) and some other stuff....and dined out one night at a to-die-for Italian Restaurant (hello homemade pasta).

Monday-8 mile run (treadmill-7.5-8.5)
Tuesday-3 circuits of Spartacus II
Wednesday- 12 mile run outside (8.33 pace)
Thursday-Lean Belly/Stair Sprints circuit
Saturday-Kicked my butt Brady-style cross fit workout (did my first bear-crawling) and 3 mile run in 22 minutes....phew

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Week 106


I believe every woman should take these 2 things everyday:
1. A MULTI-VITAMIN (strongly recommend, even with a good diet)
2. A VITAMIN D supplement.

I believe every woman should occasionally take:
1. VITAMIN B12 (or even better a B12 shot) I swear by this vitamin when I am feeling really low on energy.
2. IRON (again helps with energy levels) Or eat up on your chicken liver and spinach!
3. VITAMIN C & ZINC (when you feel a cold coming on.) Did you know broccoli has more Vitamin C per serving than an orange?!!
4. FOLATE, MAGNESIUM, CALCIUM (OR A PRE-NATAL VITAMIN) (when you want your hair, skin and nails to be healthier)
5. POTASSIUM (decrease muscle cramps and balances out electrolytes) Butternut squash and avocados have more potassium than a banana!

Weight: 124.6
Awesome.....after a clean week and great workouts, I gained. It's never a perfect science.

My workout this week:
MONDAY-8.5 mile run outside (8.33 pace)
TUESDAY-3 rounds of Spartacus
WEDNESDAY-10 mile run outside (8.26 pace)
THURSDAY-Core Synergistics
SATURDAY-3 rounds of Spartacus 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week 105


It's like eating sweet, warm, thick, yummy, pumpkin bread in a bowl-seriously, it's so good. Make it when you have the time, you will not be disappointed.

1/3 cup oat bran (or oats)
2 egg whites
1/4 cup almond milk
1/4 cup pumpkin, applesauce or smashed banana
2 TBS water (if using oat bran-omit if using rolled oats)
cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves to taste
1/4 tsp salt
1 pkt stevia
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp vanilla

Whisk together the wet then add dry. Pour into a greased oven-safe bowl and bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes (until it's set in the middle). Or cook it in muffin tins (less cook time though). I like to top it with greek yogurt and almonds.

Weight: 123.2

Finally, the scale budged! I have been so diligent, I'm pumped that I'm getting back into my clothes. Somehow life seems better when you can slide your jeans on with less resistance:)

Workout this week:
Monday-7 mile run outside (8.05 pace)
Tuesday-Summer Fit/Core Workout
Wednesday-12 mile run outside (8.49 pace-hills and slippery)
Thursday-Full body circuit
Saturday-3 rounds of Spartacus II, 2 miles worth of sprints