Monday, November 8, 2010

Week 38

Weight?? I was tempted by the lingering Halloween candy...I thought I was done with that stuff!...and I've been feeling a bit obsessive, so I skipped the weigh-in. I ate fairly clean, way too much sugar on Monday the day after Halloween and we ate out on Saturday, the best Philly-cheese steak and tons of fries, yum. This week was a bit of a recovery week-

Monday-rest(still way sore from our half)
Tuesday-4 mile run (8.45 pace)
Wednesday-7 mile run (8.30 pace)
Thursday-45 minutes Yoga
Friday-3 circuits Spartacus

Weekly Fitness Tip: What is the best remedy for sore muscles?? I was so sore for days after our run on Saturday so I researched the best way to relieve it. By the way, muscle soreness is caused from tiny tears in your muscles, not a lactic acid build-up, which leaves your body within an hour or so after strenuous exercise. I read a study that showed 4 people with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and their treatment. 1-light exercise, 2-massage, 3-stretching, 4-resting. The least effective treatment, meaning the person who's muscles stayed sore the longest was the person that rested! The best treatment for DOMS was first light exercise, second massage and third stretching. A combination of all three is the best remedy.

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